Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016

What is Indonesia Android 'Kejar' (Chase)?

Indonesia Android Chase is a series of learning activities together (study group) to support the developer Indonesia in developing mobile applications through online courses Udacity and offline meetings with members of the community so as to provide a deeper understanding in a fun and collaborative ecosystems. Indonesia Android Chase will facilitate the discussion of the material at levels Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. With this partnership is very useful to help developers Indonesia to grow and continue to create quality applications and useful not only for Indonesia but also for the global.

Here Timeline of Indonesia Android Chase for registration as well as its implementation:

For registration please note we signed up as what, following differences with the participants Facilitator:

Facilitator is the party that will be the teachers and counselors in the offline learning session. The facilitator will be in charge of holding study group and monitor the progress of its members. If you have excellent programming skills, the facilitator will give you a real advantage. In addition to contributing to the community, you will also get an exclusive gift from Google, a chance to get your free ticket at Udacity premium for 2 months (for the best), and the opportunity to be invited to Google Indonesia Office Tour (for the best)!

While participants are those who will follow in Udacity online learning and offline learning on a regular basis with the aim of increasing the ability to create Android applications. As a participant, you will gain tremendous benefits from the guidance of online and offline, direct instruction with a skilled facilitator, exclusive prizes for the best participants, and the opportunity to obtain a certificate from Google!

Requirements Following Indonesia Android Kejar

Everyone can register to Indonesia Android Academy program. But, make sure you register in accordance with the level to make sure the prerequisite courses at every level.

Participants who do not have experience but want to start studying programming can register at the beginner level. Check out more here.
Participants who already have programming experience higher can sign up at the intermediate or advanced level. Further checks here: Intermediate & Advance
For those not familiar with Udacity and what should be prepared in learning do not worry because it has available Technology Requirements for use Udacity.

Given Indonesia Android Pursue your chance to connect with other developers, receive guidance in learning Udacity Course, and get other benefits. This program does not charge at all. Even Udacity Course is accessible for free.

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