Senin, 21 Maret 2016

The Most Sophisticated Technology in the World

 Technological developments from time to time will become increasingly sophisticated and interesting news to continue to follow. With the development of this technology in use humans to meet their needs such as the use of gadgets for remote communication and entertainment, the Internet is useful to know the outside information and a wide range of knowledge, and so forth.

List, most sophisticated technology in the World Current

Virtual Googles

Virtual Googles is a technology that has brought the world virtually into the computer. Virtual Goggles into the list of world's most powerful technology today. with this technology the virtual world can now be seen in our homes. A research and experimental scientists, who have done a few decades ago is now a reality. But this technology will continue to be developed from day to day.

3D Holographic Displays

ZCam is a video camera that can record information up into objects that can be used to create a model with three-dimensional or 3D visual. After that the video will be in production by 3DV Systems that use advanced technology. This technology uses the base principle of "Time of Flight". By using this technique, the size of the 3D data is obtained using infrared waves way into scen video and light detection which are reflected to the surface of the object in the video scene. With the variable time which is taken by the infrared waves to achieve the target object and when he returned, the distance can be calculated and then used to create 3D information from all objects in the scene. Also Read Video Player app on Android.

Jet Pack

Jet Pack

Jet Pack also includes tools that we find in the game world or fictional where this tool allows humans to fly using jet that took off the gas and then be flown to its users.

TAM is the first and only company in the world that has produced a complete package of costumes designed by Rocket Belt. Rocket Belt is using cutting-edge and also an aerospace material is equipped with a special refining machine to produce fuel hydrogen peroxide. This technology will continue to be developed and is expected to be useful for human life.

Flying Car

flying car

Flying car technology is continuously developed and help reduce congestion on the ground.If it has been entered into the market, this flying car technology will become apparent as previously flying car exists only in the movies or just fiction.

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