Kamis, 24 Maret 2016

Justin Biebers disappoint fans by canceling the entire meet and great event on the world tour

Image result for justin bieber on instagramJustin Biebers disappoint fans by canceling the entire meet and great event on the world tour, entitled 'Purpose'. Bieber has announced the cancellation of the Instagram account on Tuesday (22/03/2016).

The decision was caused by the act of Bieber fans who made her feel uncomfortable. The incident occurred on March 21, 2016 and in concert. A female fan who is obsessed with Bieber continues to emerge and approached him without his knowing it.

The fan reportedly been interesting Bieber hair, tore her clothes, and even transmit flu to him. However, Bieber never complain about it.

Now, the individual fans are already in a "list of people who are suspect" for the security forces, militant fan was immediately secured from the concert area.

Bieber did not hurt at the time, but the incident became its own record for the security forces. Bieber said in Instagram that he felt like a depression after a meet and greet session.

From now on, the fans who have paid to meet Bieber in groups would only look at the stage and spoke of them without touching or interacting personally.

Image result for justin bieber alami kekerasan fisik dari fans
Bieber would not benefit from the loss of fans. So, fans who had paid US $ 900 to US $ 2000 for meet and greet will get money back

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