Sabtu, 05 Maret 2016

Solar Eclipse

Since the beginning of this year, the world of science and technology in Indonesia enlivened by news that on March 9, 2016 will be a special solar eclipse. Therefore, both scientists and the government preparing for the occurrence of these natural phenomena.
What makes this time special eclipse?
Simply, a solar eclipse occurs when the position of the moon is between the earth and the sun so close part or all of the sunlight. Because of its proximity to Earth, an average of 384 400 kilometers, the moon can block sunlight completely though much smaller than the sun,the distance about 149,68 million km from earth.There are four types of solar eclipses can occur, namely total, partial, annular, and hybrid.
Indonesia became the only area of ​​land in the world could watch the eclipse this time. The other area is the Indian Ocean and the Pacific.
Eclipse with a duration of about 2-3 minutes will traverse 12 provinces in Indonesia, including Bengkulu, West Sumatra, South Sumatra, Jambi, Bangka Belitung, West - Central - South - East of Kalimantan,West Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and Maluku North.
Maba region, referred to as the East Halmahera longest crossing location (3 minutes 17 seconds). Other areas in Indonesia are still able to watch the eclipse, but it will not look like total in 12 provinces. The peak of the eclipse will occur at 7:20 pm, 8:33 pm and 09:50 CEST.

Tourist attraction

Unlike the myths that are often outstanding, the phenomenon of a total solar eclipse is not harmful to humans. During this time, some areas still believe that GMT is an event that signifies the impending danger. In fact, some people still believe that out of the room during a very dangerous GMT.
Science has proven that this natural phenomenon is not dangerous, if you know how to react to it, and it could be an attraction for tourists.

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