Sabtu, 02 April 2016

6 Ways to Improve Your Memory

As was mentioned above that our memories like an athlete. The more you train the brain and memory, the better their performance as well. The adage "practice makes perfect" applies to our memory as well. In addition to the factors that can cause memory loss (as described above), there are several ways that can be adopted to improve your memory. The important thing is mentioned below:

1. Never stop learning

Look for topics that interest you and start engaging in it to learn new information and developments on the topic. If possible, you can join a group with people that has same topic that you like.

Read, attend college, program, information on television and the Internet, is a source of continuing education for your brain which of course will bring fruitful results to the development of your memory.

2. Establish your social and family relationships

Humans basically have friendly type. The more social you are, the better for your brain. Isolating yourself would damage many body systems. Research has shown that the brain and the heart has a lot of advantages of family and social relationships are good.

In connection with this context, you can volunteer to provide assistance where people need you, or even participate in organized groups that correspond of you like. If you have a pet, you can socialize with other people who also had a pet and discuss with them the relevant issues and to develop closer relationships.

3. Develop new habits

Every time you require yourself to do something new, you mean triggering new powers to achieve its intended purpose.

Consider to change the layout of your furniture, buttering bread in a different way or with eyes closed, wearing trousers with one hand, or learn to use the mouse with the other hand. You can think of a few other ideas to help train the brain and improve your memory.

4. Train your mind with games.

The more you use the brain privilege, the more you help your memory stay in shape. There are many games that raise your intellectual ability, as well as contribute to better social relationships. Backgammon, chess, puzzles and many other board games, entertainment and also help you improve memory.

5. Exercise can improve your memory

Even daily exercise is simple but regular brisk walking can increase the performance of the heart and brain oxygenation. No need to be a marathon runner in order to benefit from exercise. The benefits of exercise a positive influence on many body systems, especially memory and other cognitive abilities. Simply by exercising for 20 minutes each day in a simple exercise such as walking, cycling or swimming.

Scientifically proven that walking for 2.5 hours each week will substantially improve memory in people over the age of 50 years.

6. Food will help you to improve your memory

What we eat every day, affecting with your memory in the long term. Surveys in recent decades, has shown that certain foods can contribute to improve the function of the neural circuitry of the brain that controls memory.

Common characteristics of these foods is contains full of antioxidants and vitamins that are beneficial to the nervous system.
Remember that to get sufficient intake of vitamins in your body, it is better to eat more fruits and vegetables rather than swallowing vitamin formulations. The reason is to eat foods rich in vitamin you also absorb other useful nutrients that act to complement and support the work of the vitamin.

Jumat, 01 April 2016

Virtual Reality Game

One more technology initially only be fictitious in a story. Maybe this is not the first time managed to create tools and technology that was originally only exist in the movies. Currently one of the most popular is a virtual reality game, a game more or less as it was played in Sword Art Online anime.

Virtual reality is the latest innovation in the virtual game world in the form of a headset. Gamers can play all your favorite games in a different way than ever. This technology allows gamers perform simulations that can make a gamer as though engaged in practice.

Even so, the game is still based on the monitor and the user still conscious, unlike in the anime SAO where gamers as if really get into the game like a dream, in the sense that while it is memainkanya in the story of this fictitious user will lose the awareness of the world real.

Through a headphone device, the user can hear the sound realistic. Using a glove and walker, all movement is monitored by the system gamer, and like other game system responds with a corresponding reaction to the movement of players, so that gamers felt was the real life situation.

Now there are some companies that can make this virtual reality game. One of them Sony Playstation which will be launched in 2016. Its specification is a 5.7-inch MOLED screen size of 1920 x RGB x 1080 and has been supporting the field of view of up to 100 mercury , and tracking up to 360 degrees, and the refresh rate of 120 Hz or doubled compared to the previous version.

Virtual reality designed to provide the gaming experience virtual optimum use of components with the best specs like

• OcUK Gambit GTX 970, Intel Core i5 6600 3.3GHz, 8GB of 1600MHz Quad Core Gaming PC
• OcUK Gambit GTX 980Ti, 6600K@4.5GHz Intel Core i5, 16GB 2666MHz Quad Core Gaming PC

Kamis, 31 Maret 2016

9 Activities Can Burn Your Calories

If you're trying to lose weight, it could be burning calories per day to your serious attention. To burn hundreds of calories per day, most people are willing to spend money to be a member of a fitness club or gym. Then spend many hours to reach the ideal weight.
Did you know, to burn calories, lots of activity or any other sport that can be selected. Here are nine types of activity:

1. Running
Running can burn calories 900 - 1500 per hour. However, this kind of activity can not be done by anyone. You must pay attention to the physical condition in order to avoid injury. If not possible, choose walking or jogging alone.
Running at a constant speed will burn calories optimal. If you are doing on an ongoing basis, you will see changes in your body. These activities involve almost all parts of your body, from the legs, abdomen, arms up.

2. Football
Football can burn calories 900 - 1400 per hour. Football mostly involves running activity. That is why this activity can also burn calories which is quite large.

3. Skip rope or skipping
Skipping can burn calories 700 - 1100 per hour. This activity is fairly simple, but quite effective in burning calories. You can buy the equipment at various sports stores and the price is affordable. To add to the challenge, you can try different variations of movement and speed.

4. Martial
Martial arts can burn calories 700 - 1100 per hour. Martial kind whatever your field, be it karate, tae kwon do, kempo, or martial arts, the sport can burn enough calories.

5. Ice Skating
This activity can burn calories 650-900 per hour. Ice scating may not be common in Indonesia. Only a few big malls that have them, such as Tunjungan Plaza in Surabaya or Bintaro Exchange in Tangsel.

6. Take the Stairs
Up the stairs can burn 650-900 per hour. This includes activities that cheap to do, but it can also burn calories which is quite large. If you're trying to lose weight, it would not hurt to do this activity at every opportunity. Activities up and down the stairs you can do at home, office, or perhaps a garden around the house.

7. Badminton and Tennis
Both sports are using this racket can burn calories 600-900 per hour. In addition to involving running, this activity will also train your arms and shoulders.

8. Jogging
Jogging or brisk walking can burn calories 550-900 per hour. Do it at a constant speed in a certain period of time for optimal results.

9. Swim
Swimming can burn calories 500-800 per hour. This activity can be said to be the safest of the risk of injury than others. Nevertheless, adequate heating must you do before swimming. If you don't have a pool  in your home, you can do it in public pools are numerous in the housing complex.

Rabu, 30 Maret 2016

17 Extraordinary Benefits of Learning Music For Your Life

What do you think the universal language that would be acceptable anywhere, no matter the geographical restrictions, legally, or politically? If the answer is English, you are wrong guys!

Well, the universal language that will be accepted in all corners of the world is music. Although not always understand the lyrics in a song, almost everyone will be able to enjoy the emotion contained in the music. Music has magical powers that can make you feel sad, happy, calm, angry or excited.

The music is awesome, but it would be more remarkable when you can play a musical instrument guys! Whether it's piano, violin, harmonica, guitar or traditional musical instruments such as angklung, gamelan and lute.

1. Represents Expression Human Soul Music

Often, rather than with words, music is more astute and more appropriate to express feelings that you're feeling.

Any music you listen will surely shake up emotions in you. This is the greatest strength of the music. He is the expression of the human soul that will certainly affect other human emotions.

2. Makes Learning Music Will Make With Different Cultures in the World

Once you're serious about learning about music, you will not be satisfied with only able to play one or two compositions from your favorite musicians. You might be interested to learn more about the music itself and find out everything related to music, not least with its history.

Each country has its own musical culture, including in Indonesia. In our country, you can feel distinctively different cultures of each region. In fact, Central Java and West Java were still one island has the feel of a different music! This means that when you learn music, you'll know how rich cultures that exist in the world.

3. Learning Music Will Train Concentration and teach Importance of Perseverance

Studying music is not something you can do without the seriousness and perseverance. Learning music requires concentration, endurance and seriousness to really get the hang of. While studying piano, for example, you should really concentration in order not to slip fingers on the keys are wrong is not it?

Additionally you will not be able to master one type of instrument only to learn one day, right? You should take the time to learn the intricacies of the instrument you play. The average person takes months to be able to master the violin, and many years to be able to play complex compositions such as the Chaconne from Partita No. 2 of Bach.

4. Studying Music Will Makes More Sensitive and Sensitive

This is especially if you're playing music together with your friends, or you come join in a band. Through music you play together, you will feel the bond that exists among friends your band. You no longer need to talk through words, because through music you have been talking to each other and understand each other.

5. Learning Music teaches Sense of Responsibility

Learning music will make you more understanding of its power: how music can penetrate the boundaries of human feelings and change them. Therefore you should be able to be responsible with the music you play, or it could be for all the actions you would do.

Learning music will make you understand that the great powers will also be accompanied with a great responsibility.

6. Studying Music teaches you how to Hear

Music is one type of audio to be able to enjoy it we should be willing to hear it. Because the practice of music as well as to practice listening. Whether it exercises hear a tone, a note, the lyrics to the suggestions and criticisms from the appearance-appearance. Even though a great musician needs to hear well so that she could still terrific.

7. Learning Music Improve Your body Coordination

One of the definite advantages will you get when you're learning a musical instrument is going to help improve the coordination body. For example, when you learn the guitar, in the beginning of learning you may still limped to move from one key to another key. But with constant practice, the fingers will be more skilled fingers to move the key.

8. Learning Music Helps Reduces Pain Your Stress

Besides can make you feel the emotions, music is also able to reduce your emotions. Even when you're having a bad day and feel the stress listening instrumental music might be able to make you feel better and more relaxed. If just hearing alone can relieve your stress, especially if you learn it ?!

9. Learn to Grow Music Your creativity

Studying music will help grow and develop your creativity. Especially when you have all basics in music. You may begin to itch to try to write and create his own songs that represent your feelings. Or maybe you want to make a special song to shoot or apply crushes your heart.

10. Learning Music Help You To Remember

Not only learn to be more creative, to learn music will help to train your memory. Why not learn music requires you to remember dozens of songs. In addition you can also change the formulas difficult lesson you mastered into a song that was hanging over you.

11. Learning Music Makes More Rewarding Time

If you are currently taking music lessons, you will better understand what it meant when you used to practice music.

A limited time during the course will make you better take into account the time to learn the music in the middle of your day is dense. In addition, in order to save the cost of the course you also have to find a way for this your course time as efficient as possible. Anyway in every meeting you there should be development.

12. Learn Music taught About Hard Work

Of course it takes time and effort if you dream to be a reliable music. You are required to be disciplined and never give up so skillfully mastered musical instruments. And when you turn out to be a famous musician, you begin to realize that hard work was not in vain.

13. Showing your skills in music Build Trust Yourself

After learning to play a musical instrument, is not complete if you do not show it to anyone else. Well, when you perform in front of others is time you conquer the more severe challenges. You must overcome your fear itself, and it is certainly not an easy thing.

By learning to make music, you do not just learn about how to play a musical instrument, but you also have to understand how to display it well to others and overcome your nervous.

14. Learning Music is Fun

Began to cultivate the thought that the music was enjoyable, as well as learn. You must know basic grip-grip which is in music, but you do not have to always obey. Studying music is when you free yourself to be creative and expression freely.

Moreover, the verb that we often use to describe the activities related to music is 'playing', is not it? Therefore, release your imagination and create your own music character.

15. Music Help You To Socialize

Is a big advantage if you can always be breaking and give feel atmosphere with your musical ability. You can accompany your friends to sing while playing the guitar, or making your friends your harmonica enchanted with the game.

16. Learning Music Will Makes Unacceptable Anywhere

Music is a universal language that will be received in different parts of the globe anywhere. You do not have to understand English, Japanese, or Latin. Simply show the ability of music and they will appreciate you.

17. Studying Music Earns Chance To Proud In Yourself!

Agree 'with the notion that the musician was cool? If not, how could they have a lot of fans from all over the world ?! The Beatles, who until now his name is still flying, is one such example. By learning music, you automatically also provides an opportunity for yourself to be as cool as them.

Well, that's incredible benefits of learning music to life. So wait no more guys, grab Hurry musical instruments that interest you and start practicing now!

Selasa, 29 Maret 2016

How to Cure Eye Minus Quickly And Naturally

Minus eye problems often become very annoying and to is not wonder if a lot of people who have it do a variety of ways in order to overcome them. It was not an easy thing to be able to cure eye minus, but nevertheless it does not mean the eye minus can not be cured because basically many ways to cure eye minus quickly and naturally can easily do. before discussing

How to Cure Eye Minus Quickly And Naturally more about some of the things that can be done to overcome the minus eyes, you should also need to know that the eye minus can appear for several reasons, and most people may not realize it yet. Have you ever thought that maybe one of your habits or your favorite had been the cause eye minus?

Perhaps some of you are aware of it and maybe not. However, you should know that you prefer activities on the computer or laptop seem to need to be careful because it had become one of the biggest causes the eyes to be minus and most of you are less aware of it because it was too busy with the event.

Well How To Cure Eye Minus Quickly And Naturally, on this occasion I would like to help you who may be currently experiencing eye irritation minus. You can try to cure eye some steps minus quickly and naturally that will be described below.

How to cure eye minus quickly and naturally

1.Carrot juice: One way How To Cure Eye Minus Quickly And Naturally, simple, easy, fast and safe that you can try that with regular therapy with carrot juice. In carrot contains several types of compounds, including vitamin A which is good in maintaining eye health and of course this will also positively impact your eye minus. If you like, you can add red wine into the carrot juice and the juice you should drink at least 2-3 times a day. Do not forget to routinely perform this therapy in order to obtain optimal results.

2.Betel leaf: In addition to carrots, you can take advantage of betel leaves to treat eye minus therapy. The trick was slightly different to using a carrot because here you only use for outdoor use. The trick is to wash them clean betel leaf and stick on the eyelids when you will sleep. Pretty simple is not it?

3.Train the eye to see objects far away: This therapy is quite popular with many people. This is because quite flexible and you can do no matter where you are. Therefore, it would not hurt if you start trying now. Those are some descriptions that can provide about the admin eye minus some way heal quickly and naturally. May be useful for you.

Senin, 28 Maret 2016

Face Care Tips For Different Skin Types

Face Care Tips For Different Skin Types

Step 1: Know Your Skin Type

Before beginning the ritual of facial skin care, the first thing you should know in advance is your skin type. This will determine the best way that you can choose later. Do you have:
Dry skin - scaly, cracked, or rude?
Oily skin - shiny, sticky, and may have large pores?
Combination skin - dry in some places (cheeks) and oily in others (forehead, nose and chin)?
Sensitive skin - stinging, burning, or itching after using makeup or other products?
Or normal skin - balanced, clean, and insensitive?

Step 2: Clean Skin Properly

Once you understand your skin type, then we go to the second step, namely how to clean the skin.
Normal and Combination Skin Cleaning
Do not use any soap to wash your face. Use a facial cleanser or mild soap to wash them - and do not choose that contain scrub.

No need to buy a product that fancy or expensive, just that fits you. Rinse with warm water and pat dry with a towel how tapped dry. If after your skin look dry or even more oily, then you should replace your facial cleanser!
Dry Cleaning
If you have dry skin, use a gentle facial cleanser that does not contain alcohol or fragrance. These materials can make your skin becomes drier.

Wash your face gently and rinse with cold water. Do not use warm water, because it will further eliminate the natural oils on your skin. And to make your face look brighter and white uniform, then do exfoliation (exfoliation) once a week to get rid of dead skin cells that accumulate.
Cleaning Oily Skin
One way of taking care of oily face is to pick a foaming facial cleanser that is oil. Rinse with plenty of warm water. Then after that you can also use a toner or astringent, but use it wisely - because it can be can irritate your skin if excessive.

Its function is to remove the extra oil, helps keep skin clean, and make the skin look mengkilap.Membersihkan Sensitive Skin
If your skin is sensitive, then washing with a cleanser that is very gentle (extra mild) - and rinse with warm water. Be sure to pat and do not rub when drying.

Exfoliation can irritate sensitive skin. Avoid using products that contain alcohol, soap, acid, or fragrances. Choose cleaning products that had the ingredients that are soothing like aloe vera, chamomile, green tea, and wheat.

The fewer the ingredients in your skin care products, the better it is for your face.

Step 3: Make Sure To Wear Moisture

Some people might think if they are too young to use a moisturizer, or they are too oily skin so it does not need one.

It is a wrong thing, because of the fact that all skin needs moisture. Use a moisturizer every day - no matter what your skin type! The best way to use a moisturizer when your skin is still damp - after finished washing the face or bathing. For those of you who have oily skin, you can find a light moisturizing products that are free of oil (oil free).

Step 4: Use Sunscreen

wash your face properly as part of the general rutinSecara treatment, moisturizing product you use already contains sunscreen. But wear sunscreen separately is the best preventive measures suggested by the majority of beauty experts. With the depletion of the ozone layer, our skin becomes more vulnerable to the sun.

The sun's rays can damage your skin in just 15 minutes. So do not be surprised if the current increasing cases of skin cancer in those who are still relatively young, especially those who have white skin.

So make sure the sunscreen is always present in your list everyday. Find that serves to protect the skin from UVA and UVB rays with an SPF of at least 30.

Step 5: Schedule A Good Face Wash

Too often wash your face can make your skin becomes dry, so for most people - wash face 1 a day is enough. You can rinse your face with warm water in the morning, and dry with a way patting it with a soft towel.

You can wash your face in the afternoon / evening after the completion of the move. Use a facial cleanser that suits your skin to remove all dirt and makeup that stick in your face. But if you are doing sports or strenuous activity that makes you sweat a lot, then you should wash your face after completion of the activity. But make sure you use a gentle facial cleanser.

Step 6: Ensure Free Facial Makeup Before Bed

How tired you are, be sure to never sleep with makeup still attached to the face. Sleep is the time for your skin to regenerate and makeup clog pores so that the skin can not breathe. As a result? Acne!

You can wear makeup remover if indeed lazy to wash your face. Use a soft coarse washcloth or cotton to do so. And if you are taking an acne medicine, apply it afterwards. Acne medications work best when you sleep and your skin is completely in a clean state.

Step 7: How to Take Care Facial Acne

Puberty makes your body produce more of the hormone, the thing that causes the production of sebum (oil produced by the skin's pores) also increased. Excessive sebum plus dead skin cells to make skin pores become clogged - trapping bacteria in it. When bacteria are growing, that's when acne begins to grow on your face.
How to Eliminate Acne
Never squeeze your pimples! Forcibly break the acne can result in infection and a permanent mark. The best way to overcome your acne is to use an anti-acne products which can be obtained easily.

Some are in the form of lotions, creams, gels, and pad - you can choose whichever. And most importantly, be patient when treating your acne problem. It may take up to 8 weeks until your face is completely clean and free of acne. Follow the instructions provided with the correct usage.

Step 8: Disguise Blemish

To make blemishes less visible, you can cover it with an oil-free makeup to wear. Foundation can help cover large patches of acne, while concealer helps cover a smaller area.

Use green concealer to camouflage redness - including to conceal acne. Some colored cream and concealer is known to contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to lighten acne. However, immediately discontinue use of any product if it aggravate your acne.

Step 9: Select Appropriate Makeup

For those of you who have normal skin may be more free in choosing makeup, although you still have to think about the best for your face.

Wearing makeup products that are labeled "nonacnegenic" or "noncomedogenic" (does not cause acne and blackheads) is a wise choice, because the product does not clog pores. Next is priority-based makeup water and not oil-based.

It is important to note that most make up also has an expired time, it was very rarely noticed. But in general, the products are the first eye makeup should be changed. Mascara - for example, should be used no more than 4 months, and you've had to buy new ones.

Step 10: Do not Inedible Ad

See the skin of the model so perfect in television advertising and print media might make you want to buy the products offered. Do not be gullible! It takes a team of stylists and professionals to make them look like that. Graphic design expert can remove acne, spots on the skin, to change the color of skin and hair. While the lighting experts can manage light and shadow to highlight the best features of a model.

Step 11: Avoid Bad Habits That Ruin Leather

To maintain the health of your skin, then you have to avoid all the bad habits that can damage it.

Keep hairspray and gel on your face because it can clog the pores of the skin. Do not wear tight headband or hat wool which can irritate your skin. And if you are wondering about tips on caring for the face to be youthful, then one of them is do not smoke! This can shorten the life of your skin and make it look yellow and dry.

Step 12: Healthy Eating and Sleeping Organized

The last of these is how to care for the face naturally. In order to get the perfect skin, then you have to be clever to choose food. Increase consumption of vegetables, fruits, grains, and low fat dairy products. Choose lean protein such as chicken, fish, lean meats, nuts, and eggs. Avoid foods that are high in cholesterol, trans fat, saturated fat, salt, and sugar.

Try to always get enough sleep to avoid dark circles in the eye area, the appearance of fine lines, dull skin, and a variety of other adverse effects caused by the lack of rest time.

Minggu, 27 Maret 2016

The Most 10 Movies Eagerly Awaited

1 - The Huntsman Winter's War (2016)
Two evil sisters prepare to conquer the land. Recently issued several films Promotional photos. It seems to have 4 Actor / Actress (Jessica Chastain, Chris Hemsworth, Emily Blunt, Charlize Theron) famous will make this film eagerly awaited.

2 - Captain America: Civil War (2016)
An incident leads to a split between fellow Avengers and increased to an open fight between allies Iron Man and Captain America. Film studio Marvel is certainly going to be a movie that is very, very eagerly awaited. Due to this film, Iron Man would be at odds with Captain America and in this movie anyway Debut Latest Version Spider-Man 'Tom Holland' will start.

3 - X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
Until now there has been a clear statement to the storyline of the movie X-Men this. But that makes us wonder what direction will the story of the movie X-Men this. The film will be very clear in waiting Indonesian presence on the big screen. The movie will be released in the US around April.

4 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 (2016)
The first film debuted in 2014 and may have been lacking, but on behalf of the Turtles in which they are one superhero that we are very familiar ranging from Video Games. It makes Attendance We waited for the sequel in 2016. The film will be released in the Us around the month of June.

5 - Now You See Me 2 (2016)
One year after outwit the FBI and won public praise with them acting as a Robin Hood-style magician. They will perform an action that is unprecedented and this action to clear their names. Of course we will be waiting for this movie to see how wonderful a story of magic and with segelemit difficult we thought. Now You See Me 2 will Start through the end of June 2016 in the US.

6 - Warcraft (2016)
Lifted from the most popular video games in this century. the film is of coursgamee highly in waiting by Gamers all over the world. The film will hit theaters around the US in June.

7 - Suicide Squad (2016)
Told A government secret agents recruited Whole violent criminals from prison to execute and fight against criminals that can not be handled by the government. With the new cast of Joker 'Jared Leto', this film would be a pity to miss out on his presence on the big screen. Suicide Squad (2016) will be present at Cinema US around August.

8 - Gambit (2016)
The movie will be starring Channing Tatum is an actor from the movie 23 Jump Street. There are no obvious news to the storyline of this movie However the movie is one of the Marvel movies are in waiting presence in Cinema.

9 - Doctor Strange (2016)
Having begun his career destroyed, a brilliant but arrogant surgeon gets a chance to live when a sorcerer took him and train him to defend the world against evil.

10 - Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (2016)
Told has a close relationship with the films of Harry Potter. The film was an instant into a film that is in forward presence in 2016. The possibility of this film will be present at the Cinema US sometime in November 2016.