Selasa, 08 Maret 2016

10 Movement Yoga This Powerful Guaranteed Shrink Your Stomach

1. Tadasana, yoga is most suitable for beginnersTadasana is yoga's most basic and easy to do, even for the beginner. The function of this movement is to strengthen the abdominal muscles, improving blood circulation in the body and helps balance the body's natural muscle performance. To perform the exercise Tadasana, Toppers simply follow these two easy steps:- Stand straight and Raise leg, lift it up with a sigh- Perform this step is repeated 10 times every second
2. Pavanamuktasana, the most relaxing yoga movement, could while lying in bedThe most relaxing yoga moves and includes easy to shrink your stomach is Pavanamuktasana. This exercise you can do in bed when you wake up or before bed. Pavanamuktasana yoga movement is very easy to do. You just do the steps below:- Lying on the mattress or mat yoga supine position perfectly- Raise your head and pull the right foot with a sigh, and then kissed the knee while exhaling- Replace with left foot- Do this by pulling both legs to touch your nose and hold for 30 seconds. Set breathing as a second step- Repeat several times everything you can
3. Bhujangasana, yoga with three benefits at onceBesides beneficial to eliminate the fat that accumulates in the abdomen, yoga this one is also suitable for the flexibility of the waist and rear tablets, Toppers. Even with routine Bhujangasana, will make you avoid back pain such thing, to cure back pain that had already come.How to do it:- Take a position to sleep on your stomach with your legs straight and both hands were just below the shoulder line- Inhale slowly and lift the weight towards the back with both hands. Hold this position for 1 minute- Return to the starting position while exhaling slowly. Repeat 5-10 times.
4. Dhanurasana, the position of "boat" powerful burn fat in the abdomenYoga Dhanurasana indeed tend to be difficult to do, but you are still obliged to try it because it has many benefits for the body. Not only a powerful burn fat that accumulates in the abdomen, yoga this one is also very good to improve posture and strengthen the back muscles.Although a bit difficult, but if done regularly, over time you will also be familiar with yoga moves this one really. Let's try yoga Dhanurasana by following the steps below:- Lie with face down on a yoga mat, bend your knees up and feet with hands grasp- Lift the body up until your body forms an arch-like boat and only stomach a pedestal body- Move the head and the view towards the top, hold this position 30 seconds to 1 minute
5. Padahastasana, yoga that makes slim at once cleverIf it does make a slim stomach've certainly was well. But yoga this one has other benefits, can make you smart. How come? Because the movement of Padahastasana can also facilitate the supply of oxygen to the brain, so the brain cells can work more actively.How do these yoga exercises are also very easy anyway, just follow the steps below:- Take an upright position and lift your hands up while breathing- Pull both hands to the bottom of your foot and exhale- Hold the position for 1 minute, repeat several times
6. Naukasana, helping you to get a belly shape the desire of all women in the worldWant to realize your dream to have the stomach dream of all women? Naukasana doing yoga exercises by practicing the following way:- Take a supine position with both feet together perfectly and both hands against the yoga mat and right on both sides of the body- Put your hands, legs, shoulders and head slowly while breathing in a relaxed (as much as possible to the body like the letter V)- All parts of the body rests on the abdominal muscles. Hold this position as long as you can- Return to the starting position and repeat 5-10 times each exercise
7. Uttanpadasana also can make you have a "foot model"Other yoga movements that can help you to shrink the stomach is Uttanpadasana. Eits but the benefit is not only that , yoga poses that this one could also tighten the leg muscles and make your feet become more beautiful and levels. How to do? Follow the steps below :- Lie on your back on the mat yoga, legs and arms straight and meetings- Raise both legs slowly to form a body position perpendicular or 90 degrees- Lower the legs slowly. Repeat this exercise at least five times in every workout
8. Vrksasana, yoga trendingVrksasana is one of the yoga movement that is being in the moment. Yoga poses are often called by Willow is beneficial to strengthen and form two sides of the abdomen. How to perform this exercise is also very easy, simply by:- Stand with both feet touching and hands on either side of the body- Put your left foot to the side of the right thigh to the left leg at 45 degrees- Pull both hands in front of the chest to the right and left palms of paste, lasting up to 2 times sigh- On the third breath, stretch your arms upwards with the hands open- Return to starting position and do the return by folding the right leg.- On the third breath, stretch your hands up and hand positions open- Inhale and straighten the back body

9. Have the form of the abdomen, back and shoulders are perfect with Chaturanga DandasanaIn addition to shrink the stomach, this one yoga can also strengthen the shoulders, arms and back. Want to try yoga Chaturanga Dandasana? follow these steps:- Start with a push-up position with your feet resting on tip toes, hands on his shoulders, and body position aligned from head to toe- Exhale while lowering your chest toward the floor (but not to touch the floor), to the palm of the hand close to the body and stomach muscles tighten- Hold up to 1 minute
10. Marjarasana, yoga poses for all peopleLast yoga exercises suitable to shrink the stomach is Marjarasana. Not only shrink the stomach, this movement can also help you control your emotions tablets. Marjarasana also often called yoga for all ages because it is suitable for anyone, from beginner to even pregnant women.How to do it is not too difficult, you simply follow the steps below:- Position the body like a crawl with the wrist parallel to your shoulders and knees under hips- Position your hands and knees as wide as the width clothing with hip- Take a deep breath and pull the stomach while tightening the buttocks to the top- Exhale while pulling his chin to his chest- Arch your back and buttocks downward. Repeat this movement several times
Well that's 10 powerful yoga moves to shrink the stomach. It's ready to give it a try? It turned out to get the ideal shape of the stomach is not difficult and costly. Just capitalize yoga mats and of course the intention, as well as regular exercise, a slim stomach is no longer just be a dream.

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